Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

New Look

Tuesday, March 20th, 2012

Yay! I figured out how to make a new layout.. or theme. What do you think? I still have a few things to work on, but the major part is complete. :)

I have nothing else new to report, other than I am very excited to be going to Saskatoon to spend the weekend there and hang out with my best friend. I just hope I don’t get lost, driving in Saskatoon stresses me out so badly. O_o The traffic is epic; the mediums in the middle of the roads annoy me because they go on forever without any breaks so you’re constantly making u-turns to get to the other side. The good thing is that I’m slowly getting used to that city. I will never live there, just visit it.

I’m also looking forward to April. Supposedly I should be getting paid five times. I need the money and new shoes. My shoes are so destroyed and falling apart. Anyway I best be getting back to work… again. :P

Listening To The printer at work.
Reading Nothing as of yet…
Writing Project Infected Night


Saturday, March 10th, 2012

The longer I sit here staring at this layout the more I want to change it. I’m also thinking of redoing all the content on here, to something that does not involve celebrities. Instead I could use pictures I have taken; it might even encourage me to start focusing more on photography. The content that does not involve graphics I want to get rid of. I’ve had the same visitor material since I opened this site when I was 15. That was five years ago. O_O I believe it is more than about time for me to finally add all new content.

I’ve reread some of the things in the Humor section and I have realized, it’s not funny anymore. I shall find more things that are actually funny and interesting. Or try to anyways.

Anyway, I’m at work right now. >_> So I have to get back to it and actually do what I’m paid to do, even though they don’t pay me enough. But enough of that, it’s a story for another day when I’m not at work. :)

Listening To The printer at work.
Reading River Marked by Patricia Briggs
Writing Project Infected Night