
  1. Your site should be something similar to mine, like a blog or graphics. Should have visitor content.
  2. Your site should be active, updated once a month at least.
    Does not matter where your site is hosted, as long as there aren’t any advertisements popping up everywhere. That’s just annoying and doesn’t look good.

  3. It would be nice if your site was put together well, and looked great.
  4. Be an active affiliate and comment on my site and whatnot. I will do the same for you. I’d like to get to know my affiliates and kinda become friends.
  5. Put a link to my site, preferably where all your affiliates are, not on any ‘view more’ pages.
  6. Got all that? Then you can fill out the form below and you will have a really high chance of being accepted. <3

You can use one of these buttons:

Affiliate Request

Name: *

Email: *

Web Site: *


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