I need inspiration.
Thou hast updated thy site. Kind of. I added one recipe, Grandma’s Cookies. Pictures will come soon of the cookies. I’m going to add more once I find others.
My weekend at my best friend’s place was pretty great. It was nice to see her again after three months. Too bad the weather sucked and was cold and windy. Didn’t get a chance to take pictures of the river there, but there is always time during the summer. It was great, went shopping for some new clothes. We watched some movies and just had fun. I need to go to Saskatoon more often, there is so much stuff to see and do there. So many places to photograph and wonder around. Next time I go, I’m gonna go when the weather is beautiful and we can walk around outside. Driving is stressful, walking is not.
Lately I’ve been in a creative mode and have been writing a bit more, but I feel I need some inspiration. My story, Infected Night, involves werewolves, vampires, shapeshifters, witches and humans. I know there are a million books out there like that, but that’s the genre I like. Just, nothing like Twilight. Yes, I like the books and stuff but I’m not obsessed with it anymore. Sparkling vampires? Seriously? How is that even possible? Anyway, I need inspiration. I’m nearing the end, I know how it is going to end I just need to get the setting and emotion right. There is a battle that characters are preparing for. I like to try to listen to music while I write. It helps me feel kind of inspired and to be in the moment of the scene with the right music. Does anyone know of any songs that would be great for fights or wars, preparation for a war and/or emotional breakdowns? Maybe gothic instrumental songs? Or vampire or werewolf kind of songs? This is also an adult urban fantasy story. I will look up any suggestions anyone gives.
That is all.
*goes into writing mode*
P.S I’m looking for some affiliates! If you want to become one go here
Listening To
The pipes heating up to warm up my home.
ReadingTo Walk the Night by E.S Moore
Writing ProjectInfected Night